Monday, August 4, 2008


hey! 10:45 pm here! i had a terrible day today!
got up at 6:15, went to band camp at 8:15, got home at 3:40.. bad part over.
i went on mikas blog *yay me* posted him an amazing comment, went on mfc, ate lunch, went back on mfc, fell asleep, woke up to my siister trying to take my laptop outta myhands (lol), fell asleep, again, and woke up, went back on mfc, made dinner, went on mfc, talked online, argued w/ my friend over mika, talked about how great mika was w/ a friend, and did more mika! lol.
mika, i am sorry u got sick btw, best wishes!

1 comment:

*christinarenee* said...

hey! am i the friend u argued w/ over mika...r u mad at me?